Hello #SahabatData,
Friday, August 23, 2024 BPS of West Sumba Regency carried out the Socialization and Development of Beautiful Village Activities in Kampung Sawah Village, Kota Waikabubak District, West Sumba Regency.
This activity aims to disseminate Statistics Development to village governments so that the role of villages as the smallest regional units becomes very important. This is because villages are no longer objects of development, but rather subjects and spearheads of development.
In addition, Statistics Development within the Village Government is also a mandate of Law Number 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics, BPS is obliged to provide Statistics Development to Ministries/Institutions/Regional Work Units/Other Institutions, including up to the village level, through the National Statistics System (SSN) which is sustainable as a form of contribution to increasing statistical literacy to support national development.
In his speech, the Head of BPS West Sumba said that Statistics is a process that starts from preparation of activities, data collection, data processing, and data presentation), so what is called Beautiful Village/Sub-district or Love Statistics is a village/sub-district that understands how to process statistics properly and correctly. Based on the PP related to SDI (and also the Regent Regulation related to SDI West Sumba which just happened to be issued), SDI or One Data Indonesia is all statistical data produced must be in accordance with clear and structured methods.
BPS has the task of being a Data Supervisor who guides all agencies, including villages/sub-districts, on how to process statistics properly and correctly. In addition, there is also a Data Guardian, namely DKIPS, which is a bridge between all agencies and other external parties to data supervisors related to statistical data. Everything related to the statistical process must go through a consultation process with BPS so that BPS can issue statistical recommendations to all parties who will carry out a statistical process. That way, the data produced by all agencies including villages/sub-districts is quality data that can be used in policy making later. Building with data is indeed expensive, but building without data is much more expensive. Therefore, BPS is ready to assist with the statistical process needed by conducting Statistical Guidance.
More about BPS West Sumba Regency:
📱Facebook: BPS West Sumba Regency
📷Instagram: bps_sumbabarat
🪩 Website: sumbatengahkab.bps.go.id
🖥️Youtube: BPS West Sumba