Sumba Tengah Regency in Figures 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumba Tengah Regency

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Sumba Tengah Regency in Figures 2019

Catalog Number : 1102001.5316
Publication Number : 53160.1902
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : August 16, 2019
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 9.84 MB


Central Sumba Regency in Figures 2019 is an annual publication that is published periodically by the Central Statistics Agency of West Sumba Regency. This publication is intended to provide an overview of the development of Central Sumba Regency in general which covers geographical conditions, governance, population and labor, social, agriculture, industry and trade, transportation and communication, finance and prices, regional income and some supplementary data. The data presented in this publication is not much different from the previous year's publication and data continuity is always sought. By presenting the last few years both data collected directly (primary data) and data quoted from government / private institutions / government / private administration (secondary data).
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